Ads Rewards
Get started in three steps.
Get started in three steps.
1. Fill out the form below and sign the contract to sign up for FREE.
2. Add the MASONNET ADR Widget to your website (different from the MASONNET Ads widget, for complexity, data storing, and other reasons.)
3. Get people to visit using your widget, referral link, or referral code.
Earn credits for rewards (physical, and digital*)
Earn credits for rewards (physical, and digital*)
3 month free trial of MASONNET One
10 Mega Credits (HIGH VALUE!)
$5 MASONNET Gift Card
Get added to "Websites to visit" (COMING SOON)
1 year of FREE advertising!
Unlimited premium advertising for 1 year
And more!
All you have to do to join the promotion is sign up! Its completely free! Ending April 20, 2024.
* Digital rewards coming soon. is in beta.Promotion ends 4/20/2024. Restrictions apply. Rewards for promotion may extend up to one year after promotion ends. New entries not accepted after end date.Copyright (C) 2024 MASONNET, Inc. All rights reserved.All you have to do to join the promotion is sign up! Its completely free! Ending April 20, 2024.
If you want to use our ad below, it would be very much appreciated (and rewarded)!
If you want to use our ad below, it would be very much appreciated (and rewarded)!