
From our Medium article by Sam Williams:  MASONNET, Inc.

MASONNET, Inc. is a United States-based technology company founded in 2018 by Mason Murphy. The company focuses on developing computer software, computer hardware, and electronic services.

Early Projects and Web Presence

MASONNET is known for its numerous websites created on web hosting platforms like Geocities and Neocities. Their most prominent website, "newmason123" hosted on Neocities, has garnered over 800,000 views as of April 2024. However, details about the nature of these websites remain undisclosed. For more information on Geocities and Neocities, popular web hosting platforms, you can search the web.

Development of an "Everything" App and Hardware

Currently, MASONNET is working on an ambitious project – an all-encompassing "everything" app. Details surrounding the app's functionality and features are scarce. Additionally, the company is developing its own hardware line, codenamed "MPhone," to potentially complement the app.

Future Aspirations

Despite its relatively low profile, MASONNET aspires to become a major tech player, rivaling industry giants like Apple and Google. Founder Mason Murphy believes the company's innovative approach positions them for significant growth.

Limited Public Information

As of April 2024, MASONNET maintains a limited public presence. Their official website, www.masonnet.org, offers minimal information about their projects or future plans. This secrecy surrounding their developments has fueled speculation and curiosity within the tech community.

Potential Impact

While MASONNET remains a young company with much to reveal, their ambitious goals and focus on integrated software and hardware solutions have captured the attention of some industry observers. Their success hinges on the functionality and execution of their upcoming app and hardware line. If realized effectively, MASONNET's "everything" app and MPhone could potentially disrupt the tech landscape.